Using memtest86+

25 Aug 2006
Ok, I'm going to use memtest tomorrow.
I was reading 'memory sizing' here and I'm confused. How to I use memtest, Please explan it to be like I'm clueless, which I am. I was too confused reading how to do the test on the site.
I also have to ask whether it can at all damage my pc/bios or anything?
Memtest must be run from a floppy or CD. I'm sure the download site explains how to make the floppy/CD etc.

Just insert floppy and boot the PC, memtest does everything. If there's an error, you'll see it.
Memtest won't do any harm. Well as long as you don't mess around with the settings (even then I don't think you can screw it up). You just pop the floppy/cd in and when you PC boot's it will start. Then you just leave it for a good 40 minutes. 5 minutes if your lucky like me :(

EDIT:: Your sigs to big. 4 Lines max
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