Using Pi from USB power?

3 Dec 2004
Does anyone here run their Pi (specifically the 4) from USB port on their desktop? I've searched and there seems to be consensus of 'not recommended' but no real mention of what what will happen? Could it damage parts over time?
Does anyone here run their Pi (specifically the 4) from USB port? I've searched and there seems to be consensus of 'not recommended' but no real mention of what what will happen? Could it damage parts over time?
I thought the power adapter was a usb-c format thing anyway?
I thought the power adapter was a usb-c format thing anyway?
Yep it is and I have a usb (standard type) connected to desktop with the other end a usb-c for Pi. I don't know if this meets the requirements (power wise) for it though.

edit: I see what you mean and have edited my post :)
Yep it is and I have a usb (standard type) connected to desktop with the other end a usb-c. I don't know if this meets the requirements (power wise) for it though.

edit: I see what you mean and have edited my post :)
Ah ha :)
I imagine a usb-c port should have enough power. The pi itself will warn you if the power level is insufficient. I know that on the pi3, a normal PC USB port was not enough (it ran, but with warnings, and would shut down if you tried to do too much)
Also note your use case , as the pi WILL power down with the pc I'd imagine.

If the pi needs to be on all the time (for a pi-hole for example), just buy the power adapter :) . it's easy enough to set up wifi / ssh access on the sd card before powering up for the first time - so going 100% headless is possible - again depending on what you're doing.
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