USS Bonhomme Richard Fire

It wouldn't surprise me at all if it is a H&S shortcoming. From all the stories I hear from people I know who have worked in the US oil industry, it can be a very macho world. H&S can often tend to come second to just using a bit of American muscle to sort things out. Even after events such as Deepwater Horizon, changing the safety "culture" is proving particularly hard.
I'm by no means an expert on fire safety or fighting fires, but I'd imagine trying to extinguish a fire in the rabbit warren that exists below the main flight deck and hanger would be incredibly difficult. First you have to get your water supply onto the ship, drag a heavy hose around behind you, which won't bend well round corners and tight spaces, then you will be wearing respirators, as well as the low visibility due to the smoke, then risk of flooding due to fire water sloshing around. But then maybe below decks there would be less oxygen to burn? Who knows!!

I don't think I'd know where to begin other than trying to get the main aircraft hanger under control first.
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