30 Aug 2006
I was just looking at some game screen shots on another forum and noticed a few things about these games.

Is it possible to go into a third person view in stalker? Definatally saw some 'outside' 1st person shots, would be nice to see what my charactor looks like.

I saw a lot of maps in UT3 that i didnt reconise, are there new offical maps out or are they likely to be custom maps?
You go into 3rd person on UT3 when riding your hoverboard...

You may be able to go 3rd person other times, but I got so annoyed with the stupidity of the AI that I gave up playing untill I can dedicate some online time after my exams.
3rd person cam for Stalker, cut and paste this into your user.ltx file (search for it)

bind cam_1 kF1
bind cam_2 kF2
bind cam_3 kF3
bind cam_zoom_in kADD
bind cam_zoom_out kSUBTRACT

F1,2,3 in game to switch between cams.
ooo a bit off topic.. well kinda.. but have you been the the official ut3 website?! wow just going itont it looks awsome :D go announcers :D hehe cant get enough of the voice overs :p
why would you want a 3pv in Stalker? I can't see that be any good in fights, the 1pv is best. + not even mentioning that, at points, there are interior gun fights in tunnels and corridor, which wouldn't work well in 3pv
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