Utilities, who’s best for Gas and Electric

19 Jun 2009
I have purchased a new house and have to choose a utilities provider. I know there is price comparison websites, however I know some offer a good price now but increase in future.

Would prefer to have gas and electric from same provider, any recommendations.

They are all pretty terrible, best bet is go to money saving expertwebsite and read up on yhe utilities section as there's a lot of information to consider.
British Gas are currently trying to charge me £90 a month for Gas... That was over the 3 month summer period as well so god knows what they will try and fleece me for over the winter.
Is this your first house, or have you simply moved house? If you've moved house then do you not have any meter readings from your old place to work out roughly how many gas/elec units you use?

If it's your first house, then you're just going to have to guess your amount of usage (I imagine there are calculators online to help with this). Obvious questions:
How many of you will be living there?
How much time will you be at home?
How well insulated is the house?
How big is the house?
Is it detached?
Does it have gas central heating or electric?

For reference I live with the missus in a 2 bed semi. It's got decent loft insulation but no cavity wall insulation and fairly rubbish double glazing. We pay an average of £56 a month for both gas and electric with EDF (Blue Price Promise fixed until May 2014).

If you've got no idea how much you're going to be paying, I'd suggest you sign up with a provider that doesn't tie you into a long contract (just incase it turns out to be a naff tariff). After a few months you'll have a good idea of your usage then you can switch to a deal that better suits you. Switching is pretty straightforward so I wouldn't worry about it.

As for which energy provider to go with, I would just go for the cheapest as I think they're all much of a muchness. I've been with EDF and British gas who have both been ok, but I bet the next poster will come along and slate them!

Finally, make sure you look at topcashback/quidco before signing up as you can often get a good chunk of cashback.
I just switched back to npower after a few years away, there offer at the time seemed to work out a little cheaper. The only thing I look at is price as I've never needed to ring customer services for a utility supplier. Change every couple of years to keep costs as low as possible but stillexpect them to go UP AND UP AND UP!
Happy EDF customer here.

1-bed, all-electric flat averaging £90 a month. 2 people, a cat, a water-fountain for said cat that is always on, and my seedbox which is always on.
mplegde52, not my first house however moving to a house much bigger than old one.

Thanks for everyone's help, I had a good look at the money saving expert site and read some reviews.

Whats is peoples view on Co-Op Electric and Gas, these seamed to have good reviews.
LOL cats have gone seriously soft!

Actually, they instinctively prefer to drink moving water, fewer nasties that stagnant water. As my cat is an indoor cat, it's either a normal bowl (which he barely drinks anything from) or this (from which he drinks loads).
I rang up on day I moved in asking to setup a new account. Guy took all my details, readings etc. A month later heard nothing, rang up and woman on phone said the person who I spoke to didn't have authorisation to open up this account, so this guy took all my personal details and have no idea why. So woman said it would take another 28 days to have a specialist team change over the details. Another month went by and still nothing. Eventually after about 2.5 months I got an account and online access.

Readings were provided at the beginning but when I got my first bill it was all estimated and way off. Provided readings every month since and my account activity has been somewhat nuts.

I have had 3 bill reversals on my account then got a supposed correct bill which I paid most on the direct debit and made an additional payment to get back to 0 but then they part reversed some of that and came up with another bill out of thin air.

From my forum readings on MSE looks like nPower changed their computer systems some time in the last year and since then they have not been able to work out their **** from their elbow
be interesting to hear why your both so anti nPower given I've just moved back to them and had no problems with them a few years ago. Don't want to get caught out by anything!

I've known 2 people who worked for them.

Neither recommended using them, they didn't either, even though their were employee deals. Nuff said.
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