Utility usage app?

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Is there any decent utility apps?
Currently I have meter readings, blue icon with kwh in it.

But ideally one that backs up on line, ICloud or can export/import data to a file.
For the leccy/basic temp monitor I picked up an Eon Energy Fit kit off the bay for around 15-20 squid

It comes in 2 parts.

1 - Wireless Transmitter which clamps onto the main intake at the fuse box which wirelessly sends a meter reading every 6 seconds to the ....

2 - Receiver with the LCD display which you can place anywhere in the house and visually see the current usage. This could be great for you as you don't have to head to the meter box every five minutes ***BUT THERES MORE***... Some receivers include a USB cable enabling it to transfer the readings to a PC

Check the devices available on current cost website http://www.currentcost.com/ ... They even have a standalone receiver that directly uploads the data to the web without the need for a PC
Thanks. Those do in deed look good, monitor + the Netsmart adapter

Hmmmm Never used the netsmart but reading the reviews on the jungle it seems like it still needs the Envi receiver to work (ie clamp + envi + netsmart). Make sure you look at all the dependencies first before buying otherwise you'll end up spending a fortune.

The Energy Fit kit is the cheapest guaranteed solution and since the signal is standard you can expand or streamline your solution once you get it working.

If you're familiar with linux then you could even use a Raspberry PI as the device that uploads the data. For myself I use my HTPC again running linux.

Good luck :)
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