uupload.net just opened

16 Jan 2006
North Wales
for all users on this forum just like to say i have opened a site that lets you upload pics to show people on this forum or sigs for the forum.

if this is breaking the rules sorry and i will delete / stop the post.
Get somebody to proofread the site's copy; there are spelling mistakes all over the place and it cheapens the site.

Q, How long will my image last for online?
A, We will host your image forever!
Great, I'll hold you to that and will be in touch in about 10 years :).
yeah sorry about the spelling mistakes i am whats know as thick :( i am dyslexic, i get my g.f to check all my sites over once a week will get her to sort this 1 out asap! also for ever i mean untill the site dies

just trying to help others who dont know about other sites like this sorry to people who have already got there own.
No reason to be sorry, I'm just teasing. And Jon only needs so many because he keeps uploading photos of how he dresses at the weekend and subsequently getting banned :p
Beansprout said:

Go to bed :p

Edit: Haha, both URLs you've entered have actually been real sites:p

lol i know the first one i only edited because it had "bad content" in it. and then when second one was real, i just couldnt be asked to change it!
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