26 Oct 2006
Hi was wodnering if anyone here ahs UV LED's?
Am quite interested in LED's instead of cathodes because:
1)They virtually ahve no heat whereas cathodes do and basically heat the case up which obviously we dont want after spending money on a good HSF.
2)They last nearly 100x or moe longer than cathodes.
3)Worry of the inverting frying and sending my components to hell with it or ruinign my expensive case!
4)Tiny Tiny Tiny amount of current consumed compared to cathodes.

But am concerned about the rays strength from LED's.
So basically what im asking is has anyone got any pictures or info on how many UV LED's are equivelent to one UV cathode?
paul_64l said:
try not to buy them advertised with car things as there always more expencive. think i payed £3.95 for 100 with resistors a while back. uv ones are a lot better than uv cathodes too
£3.95!!!!for 100!!!!! Damn wish i knew where from
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