UV light and paper.

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
Just a quick question and/or something for someone to test for me. Does Normal print paper react to UV light, also does glossy photo paper react to uv light? The reason I ask, is im doing a big art piece to hang on my wall, and im thinking of shining a UV light onto it, to make the white parts glow. But before I buy a UV bulb, I need to know if it will work.
Clarkey said:
they also damage your eyes and give you cancer, why would you want one?

Im fairly sure the damage caused is minimal, otherwise nightclubs would be in trouble. Also, the light will be shining on the wall, not at me all the time.
Zip said:
Are you planning on leaving the light on when you sleep? Because it will find almost all the stains when your rooms dark :p

Why dont you just use glow paint :o

No, its only going to be on when i watch films, play games etc. I can't use glow paint as im not painting it. Ive designed a piece in Adobe illustrator that im priniting out on 24 sheets of paper using Rastorbator(Ok, that sounds really bad in the same sentence as stains). Thanks MarkLP, thats perfect.
benjo said:
Why not just use some UV reactive paint on your art work?


This is the piece ive designed(not finished yet). Its going to be printed across 24 sheets of A4 paper, so as you see.. it would require loads of UV paint, and wouldn't be very practicle or produce very good results IMO, i'd much prefer the white paper to glow on its own.
It goes Infrared>Red>Orange>Yellow>Green>Blue>Indigo>Violet>Ultraviolet (with all the other visible shades inbetween). So surely the ultraviloets wavelength is being increased and shifted towards the Indigo/Violet and of the spectrum. Yes you are right that its moving towards the red end of the spectrum, but it has a long way to go.
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