UV reactive things

11 Oct 2006
ok, when looking at come peoples cases or even on dfi websites etc, they show pics like...

BUT... ive never had any come out as virbant as that, and i have 3 UV cathodes in there... is there something im missing? lol
The IDE cables arent photoshoped my friends are that bright, the ram and pci slots, hmm dunno about them but wow the are bright :) perhaps painted in UVreactive paint even though they are already UV perhaps another coat on them?
best i can do with the cam ive got (ignore the puny lil amd fan thats still on there... lol)

cables etc are a bit brighter in real life, jus the actual lights messing with the picture


if thats a pic from a manufacturers site im also gonna be guessing that the picture was taken by a dslr and tripod on a resonably long exposure to capture a good picture hence making it appear quite vibrant and more true to the way your eyes would see it
yea i was thinking itd prob just be a longer exposure, but thought id ask jus incase as ive seen some more..'amatuer'... rigs lookin roughly the same lol think its partially to do witht he led fans ive got in there and the psu too, adds a bit of light so things dont stand out as much... but if i happen to be wearin a white tshirt or anythin it glows like mad lol
binaryknight said:
if thats a pic from a manufacturers site im also gonna be guessing that the picture was taken by a dslr and tripod on a resonably long exposure to capture a good picture hence making it appear quite vibrant and more true to the way your eyes would see it

Agree on this mans comments. The longer the shutter is open, the more light is captured.

I have done a similar shot, with a longer exposure. im trying to find it!
I would guess it was post-processed in some way to make the colours more vibrant. I've never seen IDE cables glow like that.

barclay03 if you want your UV components to glow better then get rid of any LED fans and cathodes which are not UV. Any extra light appart from UV light will spoil the whole UV effect.
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