V7ndotcom elursrebmem SEO contest!

Man of Honour
31 Jan 2004
Hey everyone, the lateset SEO contest using the above terms has just started.

More info here! :)

The basic idea is that a non-sensical phrase with no results is put together and then it's white versus black hat to end up first in the Google results for the search term in a few months time, with a pot of prize money available.

My good friend Alek is doing this and he's doing it for charity. So if you want to take part, please link to his page with the relevant anchor text and title attribute, something like this:

<a href="http://www.watching-paint-dry.com/v7ndotcom-elursrebmem/" title="v7ndotcom elursrebmem">v7ndotcom elursrebmem</a>.

Again, more info on the page - but basically link to that address as much as you can - all the prize money ($7k) will go to a research charity for his kids' disease, Celiac Disease.

I may also pay for SEO services if anyone can recommend any. I want Alek at least somewhere in the first two pages :)
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Nope - but on the page there he's listing what 'important' pages are linking to him.

I might be able to get stats when it's over, though. But for now I guess Google is everyone's friend (or perhaps Yahoo - they had results before Google did, and seem to have more).
Yup, got some PR6/PR7 links from it. Will be adding more too.

Just wonder how long it is before we get overtaken by the blackhats...and I told Alek we should've bought the .com/.net domain :p

Also - PR doesn't really matter, it's only an indication of popular pages for nonsense terms like this - relevance isn't an issue because it never existed before. So my guess is that sheer weight of links will help.

Last year's contest was won by Googlebombing blogs (hey I have a new Web 2.0000 phrase - blogbombing! Whaddaya think? :D), so if anyone here is part of the wonderful like that is blogging...please join in :)
eBay: v7ndotcom elursrebm
Deals on v7ndotcom elursrebmem
New and Used v7ndotcom elursrebmem

why do ebay insist on blanket adverts that clearly make no sense in 90% of the time?
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