Well a bunch of us singletons all stuck our names in a hat and drew a name to buy for you were aloud a second pick if it was the same gender or yourself. Plus all the girls are pretty cute. Was hoping to draw one girl in particular but didn't
Anyhow my gift idea all came to £5
I made a card for starters which is pretty cool.
Took a jewel cd case, stuck in some flat red tissue paper (blood red napkin 4tw). Placed on top a white piece of card with a heart shape cut out, thats in the front. Did a little poem inside the jewel case just something nice, nothing soppy or goopy.
Out the hat randomly it came
A piece of paper with your name
So I thought on one special day
It requires a spark to light the way
May this card make you smile
If only though for a short while
A special idea made just for you
To lift those single valentine blues
An idea designed around yourself
May this card brighten your shelf
A little February cheer was the plan
Happy Valentine to you, Bethan
Then wrapped it in black plastic (bin liner) crossed over some red card to make a cross shape and then made a paper rose (roll some red card stick on some leave things) and tucked it behind the red crossed over card. Looks the dogs and cost me nothing but 15 mins of my time and a little thought
And its going to get all the girlies goopy on the night (load of us going for a meal) hehe.
As for the gift a bar of swiss prailine chocolate (apparently she likes) and a e-or, I found in the toy section of tescos. Stuffed it all in a purple wine gift bag I had some whiskey in for xmas, SORTED!