Recently I was getting some lame comments from someone who claims to be in a group called Ninja Strike Force which is some part of Cult of the dead cow... i duno I couldn't care less cause this kiddy obviously has to much time on there hands.
It's a wordpress blog and when comments are left they have to be approved by me. I was wondering if I could use a system like Engadget/Joystiq where my site sends out a email to there address for confirmation?
Recently I was getting some lame comments from someone who claims to be in a group called Ninja Strike Force which is some part of Cult of the dead cow... i duno I couldn't care less cause this kiddy obviously has to much time on there hands.
It's a wordpress blog and when comments are left they have to be approved by me. I was wondering if I could use a system like Engadget/Joystiq where my site sends out a email to there address for confirmation?