Valve Amp.



22 Oct 2002
Melbourne, Aus
I've always wanted a good valve amp but they have to be driven hard to be appreciated and that's often not possible in a practice/bedroom environment. However, I came across this.. and I WANT ONE!!!

Not the cheapest thing in the world, but it's so cool. Ideal for bedroom practice or a small studio.
I've been looking at the Valve Junior.. do you have one? how do you rate them?
Just been reading up on the new Orange Tiny Terror.. looks very tempting, and sounds good from the clips I've heard.
They are going for £299, 15/7w switchable

Power 15 Watts 'Class A' / 7 Watts 'Class A'
Channel Controls Gain / Tone / Volume
Preamp Valves 2 x 12AX7
Power Valves 2 x EL84
Case 1.5 mm Zintec Chassis w/ Steel Vented Top
Accessories Padded Gig Bag Included

more info here:
Blackvault said:
Yeah got an extremely good write up in Guitarist. The only problem I see is that 15/7 Watts is too loud for your home. Remember that 5 watts is only half as loud as a 50Watt at full bore.


I didn't know that..

So what I really need is a Valve amp with a headphone socket :)
Not yet.. still investigating.. although the Valve Junior is getting excellent writeups.. very interested to know what you think of yours.

At the moment I'm edging towards *** Tiny Terror and a 1x12 cab.. Althouhg it may be a little loud for bedroom practice :(
Don't really use MSN...

Initially it will just be for bedrom stuff (at least until i can find people to jam with)..

I was thinking of getting a Hot Plate to drop the volume down, but their not cheap.

Just out of curiosity, **** type of stuff do you play? and whay guitar do you use?
I must admit, I've been doing some research and I'm edging towards amarshall.. Just not sure which one. The Epiphone get;s good writeups but there's something about it only having a volume controll that put's me off.
It's looking like I may have to ditch the valve idea and stick with solid state.. Looking at a Marshall AVT100, that's assuming I can sell my Vox Ad15 Valvetronic (Anyone want one? :))
LOL true indeed.. the Marshall is a bit of a change from my original idea.

The original plan was to replace my current Vox AD15, and I realy wanted to go with a valve amp, but given my £300 budget I really can't find an all valve amp I like the look of and that is also OK for bedroom practice (ideally having a headphone socket). I'd love to go for the Ampmaker kit but I really don't trust myself to be able to build it..

I'm still looking around, but at the moment the AVT range seems to tick all of the boxes, Good reviews, headphone socket, 2+ channels. I really don't need to 100w but I would like the option of the 3 channels which is why I'm looking at that one.

HOWEVER, I'm still considering options within my price range, so any reccomendations are apprecated.
After lots of research I've decided NOT to buy a valve amp, there are too many things that I need to do that I can't with most of the affordable valve amps so I've devided to go for a Marshall AVT150 (I know it's a changr from where thie thread started, but it seems best suited to my needs)..

.. AND build myself a Valve amp sometime next year. It's handy that my Dad is a joiner so I should be able to get a decent cabinet made for it.

Unexpected replies.. Although I've never heard the AVT amps, they get really good reviews from that I've seen, I'm a little surprised by the responces
:confused: :confused:
What would you reccomend for the same price?

I'm really a rather rubbish player so not keen on trying them in the shop (I know.. I'm a wimp!) :eek: :eek:
No No No..

If you go back to the start of this thread, I DO want a valve amp, however they don't suit my situation.. I don't gig, don't jam (yet :p) so most if the use is going to be practice/bedroom stuff.

Ideally I would have gone for a valve amp, I could probably put a little more cash to it and go for something like a DSL401 but to be usefull I would need to use it at room volumes (not ideal for a valve amp), and probably have headphone options and I've never found a valve amp with headphones yet.

So... that leaves me looking at solid state which better suit the above

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