Vanguard saga of heros

I was extremely eager to see this game, until last month when it was announced that Microsoft were no longer going to deal with the production side, and Sony were to step in. Sadly that's the end of Vanguard for me; as an old-time EQ player I have seen what Sony are capable of with online games and I made myself a promise never to play another game that they are involved in. I'm hoping that Lord of the Rings Online might be good; in the meantime I have turned my back on fantasy settings altogether and am having a blast in Eve...

I'm really looking forward to this one. Probably my most wanted game this year :)

The change to SOE doesn't really bother me, The head honcho at Sigil has stated that SOE will have no input in the game design at all, they are basically providing the servers and some other backend stuff, that is all.

As for the game, I think it looks really promising with some interesting features such as the large scale of the world, different modes of transport including boats, player owned housing and player run villages. The combat is supposed to be more interactive as well with you being able to perform different attacks and counters whilst fighting so it becomes more interactive than just button mashing. There is also a diplomat class which sounds interesting.

I hope this will be a return to a more hardcore MMO whilst still being easy enough for beginners to pick up and learn.
pduk said:
I was extremely eager to see this game, until last month when it was announced that Microsoft were no longer going to deal with the production side, and Sony were to step in. Sadly that's the end of Vanguard for me; as an old-time EQ player I have seen what Sony are capable of with online games and I made myself a promise never to play another game that they are involved in. I'm hoping that Lord of the Rings Online might be good; in the meantime I have turned my back on fantasy settings altogether and am having a blast in Eve...


I'm actually think that SoE taking it off Microsoft’s hands is a good thing. With EQ2 the servers/billing were 2nd to none, in game support (not sure who is handling that) in EQ2 was brilliant, infact the only thing that let it down was the actual game content, but SoE (and Microsoft were) having nothing to do with.

It's JUST the support/billing SoE are handling. Also the fact Microsoft were trying to push the release out sooner than the developers wanted was looking bad, SoE seem a lot happier to let it be finished when the production company decide it’s ready.

I'm really looking forward to the game, didn't like WoW because it was to easy which for me took away a lot of the excitement of achieving something.
They actually took it away from MS due to differences in opinion as to what the game should be like, so I don't think they'd have gone with Sony if they thought they were going to interfere overmuch.

I like the fact that they're trying to do a proper hardcore mmorpg, rather than trying to cater to everyone. Sony's involvement just means a rock solid back-end rather then the usual launch day fiascos.
Sleepery said:
They actually took it away from MS due to differences in opinion as to what the game should be like, so I don't think they'd have gone with Sony if they thought they were going to interfere overmuch.

I like the fact that they're trying to do a proper hardcore mmorpg, rather than trying to cater to everyone. Sony's involvement just means a rock solid back-end rather then the usual launch day fiascos.
I think its more core gamer there going for, with 20% solo 60% grp and 20% raid.They want a community with ppl grping up and getting too know there classes really well and building a soild community /fingers crossed.
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