Vanilla pods

31 Aug 2007
Guys, where do you source your vanilla pods? The ones from the supermarkets are not only very expensive, but when you take them out of those stupid jars they always seem a little bit crap to me.

I've seen them for sale on the big river site, but not sure if thats a good idea
I think I'm going to give the eBay ones a shot, but now not sure whether to go for the super cheap Indian, or slightly more expensive Madagascan ones. And whether to go for the shorter (11-13cm) or longer (15-17cm) pods. Anyone comment on this?
Got the Madagascan pods - I think it was £3.50 or so for 20 of them. Will let you guys know what they're like when I use them, maybe sometime next week. They arrived in a vacuum sealed package and look pretty good :)
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