Variable resistors or voltage regulators?

4 Nov 2003
I have 6 fans each in 3 PC's that sit in a cupboard out the way in my loft conversion, acting as a mass storage server, and firewall/antivirus/router, and webserver. I can't help but notice the noise they make, it isn't much but its driving me up the wall whenever i'm quiet in that room.

I'm going to knock up a little fan controller ghetto style because these computers aren't seen, now to control the fans.... going completely off topic i've just had a wasp fly up here :confused: it IS february isn't it?!... can i get away with just using variable resistors, or will i need variable voltage regs?
Wow, all knowledge of GCSE electronics has failed me, i've got an input of 12v and i'd like a variable output, buy a pot will do me find, but how do i work out what value pot i need to give me a nice even resistance. The fans are 0.2A for the record, i'm absolutely useless, and i can't be bothered finding croc clips to mess about and work out what i need :p.
Thats my problem i've just fell accross my local electrical store's pot's are all under 2watt's max, when my fans running at 12v (well max) will be using 2.4w and my pots will fry won't they?

Arg nothing is ever simple, if i knew all these fans i bought would have caused so much trouble i would have bought other fans! :mad:

I've got a few 120mm fans that use less than ONE watt!
Well looking at it differently then, my fans are 0.2A and the only variable voltage regs i can find are 0.1A or 150mA! The pots all have max watts on so i thought i'd try and convert no doubt i've missed something though.

These fans i've bought seem to eat power and be horrbily inefficient, but that would probably explain why they where so cheap :D. Poo :(.

I might just buy one of the pots and vol regs and just leave both running for 24hours maxed out see if either melts or gives up. :D
Ok bought a few pots today, 1k, 4k7 and 10k just to check which one would give me the nicest scope. Tried the 1k and as soon as i turned it up it popped i nice flame came from somewhere (???!) and then it stunk my room out. So i guess my fans are drawing too much through it :(.

I'm looking into buying a few multi gang switches and coupling them with two fixed voltage regs (as they can handle the power draw). Just switch between off, 5v, 7v and 12v. Its just a pain cause i'd have to wire each one up for each fan, there are 4 (or 6 if i include both power supply fans too which i may) in each case i'm looking at, and there are 3 cases!
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