Various memory questions from newbie

15 Mar 2006
Performance difference at 1T/2T?

Hi, first off i think i should tell you what ive got running in my PC.

Opteron 170
2x1Gb Ballistix DDR4000
Abit AN8-Sli

I chose that memory since it seemed that it could go to high FSB speeds while remaining stable, very handy since i planned to get the Opteron to 2.5Ghz+.

But it turns out that the crappy motherboard i chose will not load windows with the RAM at 1T, so i have it set to 2T.
Will having it at 2T allows higher stable memory speeds?
If so, lets say it goes to 260MHz at 1T, and some higher frequency at 2T, the performance difference between the two should be only at around 5-10%, is that correct? (assuming i dont use memory dividers and the CPU OCs to the higher frequency).

If not, should i sell the RAM and get some money back on a cheaper alternative, that would give the same performance considering the 2T limitation i have?

Although i have read about something that can change the command rate in windows, so assuming windows stays stable at 1T after it loads, i may try that.

Thanks for any help!
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I have just returned exactly this memory after I started to get BSODs at stock speeds. The tech support at the supplier told me that the memory is not compatible with the motherboard :rolleyes:

Quite why they bundled it with the MoBo when I bought it is beyond me :confused:

The Corsair memory I exchanged it for seems rock solid....
Hodders said:
I have just returned exactly this memory after I started to get BSODs at stock speeds. The tech support at the supplier told me that the memory is not compatible with the motherboard :rolleyes:

Quite why they bundled it with the MoBo when I bought it is beyond me :confused:

The Corsair memory I exchanged it for seems rock solid....

Do you have the same mobo as i do, or is it a different one?
Well i tried disabling 2T with a64tweaker, pc instantly shut down when i tried to run 3dmark06, so that's no longer an option.

Is there any way to change the title of this thread so that it changes in the topic list? Wish i hadnt picked such a crap title.
Got an Asus A8N-SLI-Premium (the one with the heatpipe). The MoBo manual listed the Corsiar memory as tested and approved (XMS3200C2PT) so I went with that....

Still playing with memory timings so don;t know how fast it will reliably go....

See my thread here for a description of the problems the Crucial memory was causing....
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