im not sure which one i need, i just need a program to automatically do task after 30seconds, but im not sure which one i need, nor do i know the script for such a thing.
i have tried
that didnt work
i also tried
and that didnt work.
please help!
i have tried
wscript.sleep 30000
i also tried
' Add Timer1 to form
' .Interval=60000 (this can be set to 1000 to count seconds instead)
' .Enabled=False
'Add public variables
' Public CurrentMinute As Single
' Public TimeLimit As Single
' Activate timer to begin counting off minutes
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If CurrentMinute=TimeLimit Then
MsgBox "Time's Up": 'put code to execute other code, here
End If
End Sub
' Initialize variables
Private Sub Form_Load()
CurrentMinute = 0
End Sub
please help!