List > ArrayListTrUz said:As said if you do not know the size then you will be better of with an ArrayList as you can just keep adding to it.
string = "this great string is ""stringy"" isn't it"
ControlChars.Cr [Char]
ControlChars.Lf [Char]
ControlChars.CrLf [String]
Constants.vbCr [String]
Constants.vbLf [String]
Constants.vbCrLf [String]
Chr(13) [Char]
Chr(10) [Char]
Environment.NewLine [String]
Keys.Return.ToString (String)
Keys.LineFeed.ToString (String)
Chr(Keys.Return) (Char)
Chr(Keys.LineFeed) (Char)
Conrad11 said:Thanks.
In vb6 you can set 4 variables the same value by this:
Code:a, b, c, d = 1
But how would i do this in VB.NET. Is it possible without using 4 different lines.
a = b = c = d = 1
Conrad11 said:Thanks for the reply, but it doesn't appear to work.
Haircut said:I think you have to use four lines of code to do this in VB.NET
You can't do a = b = c = d = 1 because = is used as both the assignment and comparison operator in VB.NET so in the above usage the compiler gets a bit confused.
So, a = b = c is actually evaluated as a = (b = c) where b = c is a boolean that is true or false depending on whether b or c are the same.
Yep, there is no == in VB.happytechie said:so in a = is the same as an == and an = at the same time
everytime I hear stuff about this language it gets worse and worse
If Variable = Value Then
When you declare multiple values in a single line, you can’t specify default values as you can in C#. However, Visual Basic .NET does allow you to do something you can’t in C#—declare multiple variables of different types in a single line.
Dim Bottom As Integer, FieldName As String
Inquisitor said:List > ArrayList![]()