vb or c#

19 Jul 2006
The time has come for me to start learning again. Off to start to work towards a MCAD, which i can either use VB or C#, Which do you guys recommend i do it in? I have little knowledge of either, did a modual of Vb at uni but nothing in depth and i have 2 books on c# which i havnt read, so im sorta at the same level with each language.
Thanks in advance
c# then it's a no brainer, and I'm not saying that because I'm one of those c# is better than vb person's it's just a better string to add to the bow and if you of similar level at both languages then it makes sense.
As above C#.NET is imho no harder to leard than VB.NET and in some cases is easier being designed as an OO language from the start. C# skills are trasferable to Java, C and C++ later on if you need to as the basic syntax is the same (or nearly the same).

I'd go with C# but it really doesn't matter. The MSDN Library always has identical code samples in both C# and VB.NET. And both languages compile down to almost identical CIL... meaning their performance is identical.

VB's syntax is a bit marmite IMO but I suppose from a VB'ers perspective that C#'s syntax is too.
for MCAD there's absolutely no difference apart from the tiniest amount of syntax and the code of the exam.

If it's a question between C# and VB.NET on what's 'better' there is no straight choice. If it were me, I'd definitely go C#, purely because I can't stand to even look at VB.NET syntax, I find it horrific.

Someone should sticky this thread because there's something similar every few days now.
As others have said, it's really up to you, but I'd most certainly go with C#. It does have a few more features, and it has the advantage of being built as a purely OO language from the ground up. The syntax is also infinitely nicer and easier to read :)

Also, did you do VB6 of VB.NET at uni? If you did VB6, then don't assume VB.NET will be the same; it's an entirely different animal.
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