VB6 App problem!!

20 Jul 2004
SUffolk UK
I have written a desk top app in VB6 which I am having some issues running on a Japanese version of windows XP it installs fine but brings up various errors while running.
Has anybody had any experience of non-English versions of windows or similar problems.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Done a few apps in Russian but none in Japanese. Crikey, I don't envy you!

The only thing I can think of, which is what I did, was to trap the errors but put YOUR words in rather than rely on the locale-specific.

Other than that, I really don't know apart from trying to change the language on the target PC to UK and see if that helps.
I have done some more investigating and I think the problem could be linked to the MSCOMM control, which I’m using.
Anyone got any ideas??
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