VB6 Blocking Error

4 Sep 2005
Any help on this would be appriciated.

I'm using a winsock UDP protocol to send bitmaps from one picture box to another. I have this working fine, but I get a 'Blocking Error' every so often.

I was wondering if anyone had any idea on how to eliminate this error.

This sounds pretty similar to my situation.

"CyberDude20 Jan 2006, 08:25 AM
I am trying to break data into chunks using the Winsock control with the UDP protocol. I followed a code example on PlanetSourceCode that says you can send files of any size using Winsock. The article does not mention which protocol was used. Anyway, when I tried this in VB6, I received an error which said "Winsock control unblockable, no blocking will occur". The code example I followed is at:planetsourcecode.com. Do a search on "send files of any size using Winsock"; I forgot the actual link. Thanks for any advice on this issue.

P.S. The article was submitted by a young Indian by the name of Manjit. It is an archived article."

Any help would be greatly appriciated. And I realise this was explained poorly.

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