vBulletin question - How do you review moderator actions?

4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland

I admin on a forum where every now and then we get a few spammers dropping by and posting nonsense as most forums suffer from. It's not too bad as we are fairly well patched up and security tight. However lately, one of the mod team appears to be banning spammers but rather than completely move spam threads to the forum archive or deleting them outright, they are leaving the "Moderated" redirects in all the subforums affected. It's no big deal but it means one of the other mods or admins needs to come in and clean up the mess afterwards.

No one will own up to doing it and whilst there's no point starting a witch hunt I was having a look around the AdminCP this morning to see if I could find a way to review moderator actions and pin this down to a particular member of the web staff. They may well not be aware that they are doing this as we have a couple of fairly inexperienced mods on the staff so if its simply a 'heads up' someone needs then I'd like to go down that route.

I can't however see anything in the vBulletin AdminCP that allows me to find this info. We are running vB 4.2.0 Patch Level 2 atm.

Thanks for any suggestions/advice. :)
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Right, thread bumpage. This is still cropping up and the last time I didn't find anything in the Statistics and Logs Moderator Logs which indicated who last moderated the threads in question which are being left with redirects.

Anyone have any ideas?. :confused:
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