Verdun Beta

5 Nov 2011
Anyone playing this ATM?
I had my first taste last night and for a "pick up and play" game it's pretty good.

Very tongue in cheek about the graphics and gameplay. Simple mechanics, just a good laugh really. <Main site <Download Beta <Forum for suggestions and bugs
Is this the game thats built with CryEngine 3? also mad cod2 vibes from this
Pass - no idea

A WW1 shooter is a bit different from the current modern setting so I will give this a go when I get home, is it more arcade than realistic?
More arcade than realistic but thats makes it more fun for me. I love Arma3 but do like this because of the simplicity

Interested to know how the game reflects WW1 Trench Warfare, and what differentiates it from a RO2 clone with a trench map.
Looks like what you'd expect a WW1 trench to look like.
Just played a game, movement feels weird and aiming after sprinting is dodgy, but was quite fun.

The dev's are quite active on the forum and I think there is a patch due out very soon.

It is a BETA and a fun little game for (currently) free.

Also been greenlighted on steam.
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