Verso Avenger

21 Oct 2002
Hi Guys,
I am thinking about getting a SFF. I'd like to buy a small, pre built spec, that in time I may want to upgrade a bit. I dont really want to build a spec myself. I've not used AMD before and in preference would want Intel. However OCUK only have the AMD Verso rig.

If I went for it, how feasible is it to upgrade the processor. And what could I go for at a reasonable investment?


Is it likely I could run Empire Total War on reasonable defintion with the 9800pro that comes with the rig?

Final question, it terms of speed comparison How does the

Phenom II X2 dual core 550 3.10 ghz compare against an Intel dual core? I have a Macbook Pro 2.26ghz...

Thanks in advance...:eek:
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