Vertagear Racing Series S-Line SL2000 Gaming Chair - White/Green Edition

23 Mar 2009
Just finished building this chair when I noticed there was no pillow.

Whom should I contact? OC or Vertagear?

I paid £149.99 when I checked yesterday it back to £199.99
Im literally about to buy a vertagear chair, im put off now...

£150 u paid ? when was that - they are like 200+ now!

Trust me. If I sat on one in a shop, I would pay more than £200:eek:
I got the green and white because it was £60 cheaper than the rest, I woulkd have got the Red/Black to match my rig.
You need to check yoiu size:D
For me, I lost 11kg within a month due to gout.
Gone from 34in to 32in waist. Last time 1 was 32in was 30 years ago:eek:
I am now a med to lrg instead of lrg+

Depending on your build, you may want the SL4000+
I fit in just right. It will feel hard why you sit in it for the first time, like a Orthopaedic bed but after some time you will never go back to a normal chair.
they must have read what I've said today about them and they finally contacted me 1 month later to say they will ship cushions out to me from their usa warehouse :D


Well done.

The wife moved my pillow while I brought the chair upstairs to assemble:D
thus I thought it wasn't there.

What color do you have? and any cleaning tips:D
I went for a pl 6000, was missing the pillows also, contacted Vertagear who advised would send them out and like others i waited. In the end i gave up and contacted overclockers who shipped out another chair for me to grab the pillows out of the box and then they collected the remaining chair. All in all not as smooth as it should be but fair play to overclockers they resolved the issue unlike Vertagear who never did reply.
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