Vertical Banding is this bad?

8 Apr 2013
Just got a nice TV after my other broke after a year. It's the Samsung 48H6200. I see vertical banding and I want to know if you think I should just deal with it or send it back. I can notice it sometimes when I play games and on panning shots.

Hard to get a real idea from this photo. It's reasonable to say if your not happy with it, return it ASAP. Banding is common on large screens but no way should you except poor screen quality from that model TV.
I get that is quite a low end TV but I still think it's unacceptable to sell TV's like this but hey.. QC sucks because most people wouldn't pick up on these problems. I'm going to give it 2 weeks and if it still annoys me its going back and exchanging for same model as I really like it.
If it bothers you then return it, I hate buying new LCD TV's because its so difficult to get one without flaws.


When my Sony died I was gutted because I knew I was going to have to go through the pain of finding a TV that wasn't flawed. Even my Sony was slightly flawed but not as bad as this.

Love the TV though so hopefully, they aren't all this bad
Vertical banding is a byproduct of thinner TVs and the screen resolution. If it worries you then send the TV back. Just be prepared for the next one to be the same though.
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