Very bad backfire. Fixes? (Video)

24 Jul 2004

I recently changed the silencers to Norman Hyde Togas. They don't have baffles and are considered free flowing.

I've noticed quite a bit of backfiring happening. I can't really hear it because I'm cocooned in my lid, but after doing a bit of filming today, I realise that it might be a bit of a problem.

Usually there are one or two loud pops as a de-accelerate which is normal on non baffled free flows. I understand the mechanics and the reason for a backfire, but today (as you'll see in the video) there was an excessive amount of noise. It almost sounds like a leak?

Currently the bike has not been remapped, and does not have silicone between the downpipe and silencer (the manufacturer said it was not needed on the Norman Hydes)

Before I spend money fixing the problem, what's your opinion on the cause of this problem (for some, others love it)?

The bike is a 2013 EFI Bonneville.

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its not anything wrong with the bike so don't worry there.
mine does the same, on mine on the over run there are inlets that suck air in to the pipes to help burn off any unburnt fuel its to lower the emissions.
with stock pipes you don't really hear it
its not anything wrong with the bike so don't worry there.
mine does the same, on mine on the over run there are inlets that suck are in to the pipes to help burn off any unburnt fuel its to lower the emissions.
with stock pipes you don't really hear it

I've read that it's generally not a problem in terms of damaging the engine. But it's quite excessive when going through town. :)
Sounds like last nights curry was making its way out of you.

If theres something wrong with that exhaust note I hope my bike developes the same problem (unless it turns out to be a real problem and not just a great sounding exhaust).
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