Very Frustrated

14 Oct 2009
Rotherham. S.Yorks
I bought a pc here for 1500 in january and its impossible to play games without being deafened by the noise, even when i lower the settings. Here is my spec ( as soon as i play any game the tower fans become deafening) it makes gaming unpleasant.

The graphics card also tries to catch light.

Its only quiet when im browsing the web or watching movies, any ideas?
its a corsair 600t case with 16gb samsung green ram, a h100 cpu cooler, a 7970 vapor x and i5-3570 cpu.

i cant enjoy playing on it thanks to the noise, anyone have any ideas why it sounds like a jet engine when i play games?
there is a dial on top of the case for fan control but its turned to minimum and im still having excessive jet engine noise, it is the sound dampened version of the 600t case also which makes it even more upsetting.
i think it is, its getting very hot in speedfan with the flame icon very quickly and then its making loads of noise, it seems the vapor x technology is broken or ive got a dodgy card?
well after 5 mins on farcry blood dragon at medium settings 1080p it was on about 61 with the flame icon, and it was only going to get higher the noise was unbearable i turned it off. i can control the fans in speedfan for the gpu but i will try msi afterburner too later and report my findings
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