Very Important

cheers for reply, where do i find that?

i bought this earlier its a macbook pro, but really disliking the OS and could do with my vista back on, plus its for a lot of paper work so guessing im better off with windows?
because we got it cheap :)

can someone just please tell me how to get vista on, thanks very much :)
ive been playing with this all night and only just figured out how to get it to connect to a network, just downloaded boot camp but it wont install i double click it and the picture icon just expands then nothing at all happens

been doing loads of reading to but its a real big shame i haven't got the slightest clue what these computer words are :(

i was just hoping to stick in my vista disk and let it install :( bad times

also why does it knock my other laptop and my gaming rig offline when i connect this up to wireless network?

Model Name: MacBook Pro 17"
Model Identifier: MacBookPro2,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.33 GHz
L2 Cache (per processor): 4 MB
Memory: 2 GB

very quick in everything, but i have more chance reading a russian newspaper and understanding it more then i do this mac book

cant even figure out how to install things im that useless with it haha

edit: cheers LordSplodge looks like im gunna have to get use to it ay haha
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no i love vista ultimate :) always used windows since day 1, reason why i feel so lost on mac haha

hardware i know a lot im useless :p

ive put it away for time being, will have to have another look at it tomorrow after work, cheers for all info dude :)
haha i got it back out through frustration :p

sorta finding things out, but theres still stuff on it from the previous owner, is there any way i can format the hard drive back to factory settings? i didn't get a disk with it... so can i download anything from anywhere?

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