Very random - Weetabix advert

20 Aug 2004
Ok I've been trawling google and youtube for a while trying to dig up one of my fave adverts from my youth. The weetabix one involving pirate ships. Must be 80's. Please say someone can find it :p There will be a sweety in it for you!
There was a ship all the other pirates feared
Even Black-, Blue-, Red- and Yellowbeard
And the captain was as nasty as they come
And never once thought to write to his mum
On the Marie Celeste
Had the meanest crew of pirates ever dressed
Then the bo'sun called from the crow's nest
"There's a ship to the west!"
[he sees that the crew of said ship are eating Weetabix, general panic ensues]
Shiver me timbers! Something somthing abandon ship swim for shore!
It wasn't somethings or ghostly tricks
It was down to a bowl of Weetabix
That's why they found no pirates on the Marie Celeste.

/goes to look for actual advert
lol @ nobs in space. Thought it was an advert for a product/film/something like that, and they were just trying to see how much they could get away with. :p
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