*VERY SPECIFIC* 6 pin FFC Ribbon cable for laptop

11 Jun 2003
Sheffield, UK
After some windows issues (long story) discovered my laptop had a rather badly mangled cable under the battery.

1 wire bare/loose from the ribbon and upon moving it for a better look, broken.

So... curious for those that might know a detailed answer...

The label on the damaged cable is: QiXiang E348152 AWM 20624 80C VW-1 -HF-
The nearest thing I could find (bought and... probably working) was: AWM 20624 80C VW-1

So the QiXiang part will be a make... that's fine. I'm curious about the -HF- though. Suspicion might be "high frequency". Is there a difference? They're both 6 pin .5mm ribbon cables, the connector in question MIGHT have something to do with thunderbolt connectivity though so worrying slightly about it. Having some niggles with the laptop since the find/fix (ticket running with XMG).
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