very strange email problem



31 Oct 2002
Hope someone can help with this as I'm stumped.

Went to change the passwords on my email accounts on the tsohost cloud hosting panel. Did that no problem and then went into my outlook client to change it there. Kept on telling me that it was failing so went back and changed it again to make sure I hadn't just made a typo.

Kept failing so went to webmail and password was correct. By this time I'd also tried changing the password on my phone, Ipad and laptop and it was failing on all of them.

Bear in mind that I had two accounts on the outlook client, the other is still working perfectly.

Tried Tsohost support and the guy tried a few things and then said try it on data rather than the wifi. It worked.

Okay, so there must be some sort of config issue on the wifi so restarted the router , no change.

I have no idea what's going on. How can changing a password stop an account working on wifi but not on data?
Some sort of cached access control tied to IP addresses at Tsohost maybe? As using a different public IP works, it would seem it's unlikely to be anything on your end.
Working in authentication I can't begin to tell you how many possible scenario's for problems there are. From nodes not syncing in ldaps, to out of date code bases used by different teams not to mention caching at many different levels.

Probably gonna need some patience and keep being the squeaky wheel.
Some sort of cached access control tied to IP addresses at Tsohost maybe? As using a different public IP works, it would seem it's unlikely to be anything on your end.

Working in authentication I can't begin to tell you how many possible scenario's for problems there are. From nodes not syncing in ldaps, to out of date code bases used by different teams not to mention caching at many different levels.

Probably gonna need some patience and keep being the squeaky wheel.

thanks for the responses guys. I've deleted accounts and reinstalled and the issue seems to be gradually disappearing on some machines but not on all of them. At least it's workable again but I'm astounded that a simple password change should have caused so much havoc.
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