Very strange OSX problem

26 Oct 2002
Hi All,

I have a very weird problem. When I open the "Users and Groups" dialogue under Settings, it is using a strange language, possibly Thai..?! This is the only area in the OS where I have seen this, all the rest of my settings and dialogue boxes are in English.

Does anyone know what is going on?!

The logon screen uses the language selected when OS X was installed or initially setup out of the box on a preloaded machine, and ignores any language settings applied later. Could possibly relate to that preference panel as well?

It needed some terminal tweakery to fix on 10.5, very unlikely to have changed on later versions.
Thanks for the response.
Fortunately a work colleague helped me fix this, he copied the "Accounts.prefPane" from his machine to mine and now everything is in English again.

Very strange, no idea how it got like that in the first place though!
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