Very undecisive guy trying to build a gaming PC...

27 Dec 2013
For a few months now I've been trying to get myself together and get a new PC made. I would love to be able to get a nice gaming PC together but im always stuck with the same dilemmas...

SLI/Crossfire 970/290X Vs Single GPU 980/295X
Haswell-E X99 vs I7 4790K
1080p 60Hz+ vs 2560x1440 60hz IPS

I'm looking for something future proof for a while, say 2-3 years
Being able to play any game I want at maximum settings

And also having a decent controller, loads of people love using keyboards and a mouse for PC gaming, thats cool. But I have always been a controller guy and the only options I've came across to give me instant controller support have been XBOX 360 controllers which I hate! and Playstation 3 controllers using MotionInJoy which has always been buggy when I've tried to use it...

Can anyone help?
Budget including monitor and keyboard, preferrably matching colours in PC/keyboard/mouse... £1850...
just for gaming? yes - get the 4790k

gpu - i always say get the best single card you can afford - so get a 980.

add a second one in a couple of years cheaply if needed.

60hz 1080p vs 60hz 1440p? thats a total no brainer - 1440p everytime.

besides sli 970 or a gtx 980 is MASSIVE overkill for a 60hz 1080p screen.
1440 is where it is at, best performance atm is 970 SLI for that price but if you want to invest later go with one 980, and chipset will nvr make much a difference for price 4790k is best as ddr4 is overpriced for performance different
Yeah I was thinking of sticking with NVIDIA but AMD cards seem a little cheaper... but I guess you get what you pay for. Lots of heat issues people seem to be mentioning with 290X. As for monitors, I still have no idea :(

Im no hardcore gamer by any means... but I do like to game now and then! I have a Playstation 4 which is great, just trying to justify the expense for a PC that can game too...

As I said, I am Mr Undecisive! :)
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