Vettel - car breaker?

18 Oct 2002
The remittance desk
I don't think anyone doubts SV's talent - he is one hell of a driver, but he seems to have had more than his fair share of mechanical failures and also the odd 'moment' last year. In a sport where reliability has increased year after year, is Seb just a little rough with his lady? Webber hasn't had as many failures and he's not exactly gentile and dainty.

Or is Vettel just unlucky?
Some drivers just seem to put less pressure on the car. I like Vettel and feel really sorry for him, I just get a niggling thought that he somehow rags the car a little too hard. I know Brundle has said an F1 driver can't do anything to break a car, but I just wonder if his natural ability/style has an unfortunate side-effect of making any imperfections into major issues. We already know he is hard on his tyres but whether or not there is anything that can be drawn from that, I din't know. I suppose we will see as we go through the season. Could be worse - he is still a top driver and very young, loads of potential.
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