Victim of 'Phone slamming' ?

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur

I never heard of the term 'phone slamming' before today, I received a letter through the post from BT telling me that I'm transferring my phone-line to another company and the transfer will be complete on the 6th of oct, which would be fine if I actually requested a transfer :confused:, I rang them and they told me I've probably been 'phone slammed', which apparently means that a company has tried to transfer my phone-line without my permission.

Is this quite common ?, anyone else been a victim of 'phone slamming' ?
It's ok. Ofcom can fine them 10% of their turnover if they do it so often that Ofcom investigate and find them guilty. That'll teach em!

Why on earth isn't a company doing that fined a monstrous amount and forced into bankruptcy?

I'd imagine lowrider has had to spend at least an hour of his time sorting it out.
Yep I've already made a complaint to ofcom providing them all the details, whether something comes of it though is another matter, if any of you guys have been victims of this scam then you can make a complaint to ofcom here -, after a bit of googling I've found out that BT are trying to put pressure onto ofcom to make it so that phone company's require a pin similar to a mac-code to transfer your phone-line, hopefully this will get passed.
Hope you don't get any more hassle through it. Looks like BT was on the ball at least, and you've done the right thing by bothering to fill in a complaint.
BT used to do it to us all the time, they'd innocently ask who our phoneline is with, then they'd go off and change it without us knowing, very annoying
Call centre staff on bonuses, mis-selling ignored by middle management, upper management don't want to find it so they don't look, ombudsman toothless....

This is Britain :(
We had something similar happen.
We got a letter from Scottish Power saying they were sorry to see us going and that from the folloing month NPower would be supplying our gas & electricity.
Straight on the phone to SP as this was certainly something we didn't request.
Probably. And I bet the signature looks nothing like the OP's.

Actually they don't, apparently from what I've read all they need is your verbal consent, your telephone number and postcode.

This is why BT are trying to get ofcom to change the regulations to that you need a tranfer code simular to a broadband Mac-Code to transfer your phone-line, see here,

BT calls on Ofcom to put an end to telecom slamming scams
Monday 28 September 2009

Internet service provider and phone operator BT has launched a campaign in conjunction with Trading Standards Institute calling on telecoms watchdog Ofcom to put an end to the barrage of telecom scams which cost the consumer £40 million last year.

Ofcom is being urged to install a process which will prevent customers becoming victims of fixed-line phone mis-selling scams as well as providing more advice for consumers on avoiding scams.

According to the watchdog approximately one in forty UK households (half a million) fall victim to mis-sellers every year. That's enough to fill Wembley Stadium nine times. Most of these are tricked by mis-selling over the phone using “slamming techniques”. Here, consumers are switched to alternative providers without them knowing. Subtle persuasion is used to achieve this and a customer signature can be obtained if they are convinced they are signing paperwork supplied by their current provider to obtain more information on a service.

BT is proposing Ofcom enforces a pin code system, meaning if consumers wish to switch phone companies they will need to ask their existing supplier for a dedicated number. Similar to a MAC code, this is a process that's already proved successful with broadband services.

Speaking on the suggestion, Ron Gainsford, chief executive of Trading Standards Institute (TSI), said: “We're very much in favour of the telecoms industry adopting the consumer protection pin code system. We believe that it will stamp out at source the sort of rogue trading practice that has been plaguing telecoms consumers for more than five years.”

John Petter, managing director of BT's Consumer division, added: “We need to slam the slammers. The process we're proposing will put an end to mis-selling misery for good, protect consumers and safeguard fair competition. Ofcom's own data shows a consumer protection pin code would eliminate mis-selling.”
When I read the thread title I had visions of a new chavvy practise like 'happy slapping' :p

I thought it came over to the UK, here there was a short trend of idiots taking people's phones when they're talking, throwing/slamming it against the ground as hard as they can and run away...
We had something similar happen.
We got a letter from Scottish Power saying they were sorry to see us going and that from the folloing month NPower would be supplying our gas & electricity.
Straight on the phone to SP as this was certainly something we didn't request.

NPower are the biggest bunch of cowboys in the country. One old trick was to tell you that you were signing up for a package where they would tell you how much you'd pay if they supplied you compared to your current supplier. If you read the paperwork, you were actually changing to them. They've been reported repeatedly to trading standards. If they were the last power company in Britain I'd live in a -ing cave.

It generally occurs when a provider installs LLU in the exchange, I am not sure how easy it wil be to find out who it is now with. It is either a case of phoing up random phone companies or get your phone company to simply move it back, it will cost them but they should be able to take it up with ofcom if they decide it is worth the effort. good luck.

**** **** and ****, BT couldn't stop the transfer in time and now I have no phone line and BB is apparently going to be cut as well, so ****ing annoyed, my line has been transferred to another company and BT don't even know who that firm is and neither do I :mad:, they said I'll probably receive a welcome pack soon ffs, a welcome pack from who ? ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.


Sorry guys just had to get that off my chest.
I can't believe they don't use codes to transfer land lines, I mean its been common practise for mobile phone providers for as long as I know, it seems like a simple enough idea and will protect people from scams.

Also, I've never heard of this and my first thoughts were "some guy broke his phone putting it down too hard" :D
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