Video camera suitable for a wedding

Lacking anyone with a clue to operate it, then a decent smartphone mounted on a tripod is probably as good any anything. Most SLRs will take really good video these days but the chances of ******ing it up are quite high if you don't know what you're doing.
Not sure about the new osmos but the old one I used used a phone as a viewfinder, make sure you have a quick phone charger with you too...
We did this for ours, while video is good the audio is mostly silent. Used a proper video camera, this was 2015 though.
What saved us is we had two people recording, typically one has the better picture/direction, the other better audio hah.

I would probably have two people doing it if inexperienced, phones on tripods or the osmo (or mix and match)
I'd advise you don't get involved in taking the actual video ... singularly the best way to ruin your enjoyment of the day if you're a guest and expected to produce something at the end of it. The DJI osmo is probably as good as anything.

Or an insta360 4x ... then it wont matter where you point it !
DJI sells a wireless mic that connects to the Osmo pocket seamlessly for about £100 if you need audio. But this will only be needed during the ceremony and speeches. The person filming will need to remember to clip them on the person speaking before the event and remember to remove it after.
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