Video Card Silence/Cooling (x1900xt)

30 Mar 2006
Thinking of replacing my fan on my x1900xt as i feel it is to noisy and wasn't sure on what product to purchase, I herd the Arctic Cooling Accelero X2 was good but then noticed that overclcokers have just updated the cooling section and they have new Zallam's in stock. Zalam to me has always led the way in cooling and silence, so i started to think about the Zalman VF900-CU Quiet Copper.

would love some feedback on this please guys. :)
Hi mate, I put the Zalman VF900 on my X1900XT/X. On lowest fan setting it's silent, and give me idle temps 43/44c and load of 55/56c. Would definately recommend it. I had the VF700Cu on a 7800GT before, and that was excellent too.

Recommend you have good case airflow/cooling too tho, as unlike the other coolers the Zallies don't expel it straight out of your case.
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