Video editing on 24" iMac

11 Jul 2004
I have a 24" iMac, 2.4ghz with 2gb RAM, running Leopard. I also have an external FW800 dual drive bay, with two Seagate Barracuda's in RAID 0 (7200rpm with 32mb cache each).

I have loads of vacation / family video that I need to download with iMovie and clean up, and export to DVD etc.

1. Should I upgrade to 4gb RAM, would it make a noticeable difference with the video editing?

2. Should I be editing the video locally on the iMac's harddrive, or should I use the external bay to edit the video? What would offer better performance?

The external drives connect via Firewire 800. As mentioned they are 7200rpm 32mb cache Seagate Barracuda's in RAID 0.

So it's best to import the video and edit it on the local iMac drive and not on the external drives then? I am using iMovie 08 for this.

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