video editing pc

13 Jul 2005

Im wanting a brand new pc but this time i want a better pc where i can edit, convert my HD and standard videos,one thing i will also need is a firewire port and it would be great to have wifi in it aswell,but thats not to important as im using a usb one right now. Also i will be editing phots with photoshop and lightroom.

Then the normal stuff watching hd films surfing the net with multiple tabs open.

I do have a budget of £1000,but would like it to be kept under if possible. not into gaming just listening to music.

Had to come of my phone and check it out on my PC,Looks fantastic just what i need i dont know if its over the top for my needs but seems to be future proof.

Im guessing all of what Cyanide has posted is what comes with the system.

Software will be Pinnacle Studio,Lightroom,photoshop Elements.
Thanks for those tips about the gfx card.

I dont know if its late and im not seeing things right lol but Cyanide all of those things you linked is that allready with the system you linked or do i have to add them onto the system.

Got you thanks for that. :) Took me a bit of time seeing that you just tweaked the one you linked.

So that one would have no problem playing HD films streamed and thats on the pc.
silly me yea if its good enough to edit&render then it will be good enough to play HD films.

Ive still got a BenQ G2420HDBL,that will be fine with this new system?
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