Video Editing Upgrade...

10 Apr 2006
My father has a PC he uses for Video Editing using ULEAD and Serif applications, it currently has the following spec:

P4 Prescott 640
1gb Corsair XMS Pro PC3200
Gigabyte I915 skt LGA775 mobo
300gb Seagate SATA HDD
Windows XP Pro

he's started to experience "stuttering" in video clips when he tries to add more than one audio track over the clip. Im no expert when it comes to video editing so, I was just wondering if anyone could reccomend a decent upgrade (under £250) that would help him along, and maybe stop the stuttering.

I was looking at getting 2gb of good quality ram (mushkin or maybe OCZ at a push), perhaps a second HDD dedicated for Windows and Programs, and clearing the 300gb for use when editing.

Would there be any realistic benefit of going for a dual-core CPU? If so, budget would, obviously be enlarged, and if this was the case, may even be tempted to wait for Core Duo CPUs and get a new MOBO and some seriously quick DDR2 - obviously this would be an expensive affair!

Also, I have a copy of WinXPx64 lying about that I dont use, providing all programs were compatible, would this help with performance of editing videos?

I really dont wanna have to turn around and reccomend upgrading to Core Duo - any other way of increasing performance on the cheap??

Hope I made sense, but Im a noob when it comes to Video Editing and what it requires in terms of 64bit etc etc bleh.... :confused:

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