I'm still trying to sort the little niggles out with OS X after coming over from Vista. Another one has come up and that is video playback.
As default it uses quick time, now I've installed VLC but even after telling OSX to open video files with VLC it still uses quick time? Also I want the film to open up in a half screen size window and it only opens it in a small window and I have to keep resizing it. Any Ideas or is there other programs I can use. I must say I do miss Windows media player
Also is there anyway to play all music files in a folder, in vista it had a option to play all, but with iTunes i have to highlight ever track. I know this may seem silly to some people but its little things like this that bugs me. I manly use it for music so this is a biggy for me.
I really dont want to go back to vista and the dark side
As default it uses quick time, now I've installed VLC but even after telling OSX to open video files with VLC it still uses quick time? Also I want the film to open up in a half screen size window and it only opens it in a small window and I have to keep resizing it. Any Ideas or is there other programs I can use. I must say I do miss Windows media player
Also is there anyway to play all music files in a folder, in vista it had a option to play all, but with iTunes i have to highlight ever track. I know this may seem silly to some people but its little things like this that bugs me. I manly use it for music so this is a biggy for me.
I really dont want to go back to vista and the dark side