Video PROBLEMS, urgent!

30 Jan 2007
I have a song that i have recorded on my dvd player but the background is just blue, so it doesn't really look all that nice. How do i paste a picture over the blue picture so i have the song playing like a video but instead of a blue background there will be an image in its place. How do i do it? help is much appreciated, thanks.
its not really 'urgent!' is it? urgent would be "help my gfx card is about to explode, send superman!" :)

what application is playing the song?
You'll be needing to do some Chroma Keying of some kind - possibly you might get away with Blue Key - which will make blue areas of the frame transparent. You would then setup a second video track and wack on a still or movie to show through your first video track in place of the blue.
Microsoft Windows MovieMaker does not do this :rolleyes:

Try Avid, Adobe Premiere Pro, etc.
All a bit expensive I'm afraid.
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