Videographers / Interview Audio Advice

30 Dec 2003
Hey all! I've got plenty of experience in the capturing of video, yet I can't say the same for audio.

I'm looking for advice on the best audio setups to capture interview audio. I have several projects coming up that will be me visiting a location—shooting interview footage. I've got experience with lighting and the "visual" side of things. Yet I have only ever caught audio from my lav mic once.

Considering that I will be brining different people into a pre-determined location I was looking for advice on the best mic/boom options out there.

To give you an idea of what I've been looking at CHECK THIS OUT HERE.
RODE VideoMic Studio Boom Kit with windmuff- VM, windmuff, Boom Stand, Adapter, 25' Cable

Money is not really an issue here—yet I'm looking for something cost effective, that's going to ensure I can have a decent setup for interview scenarios. Also, I like the Rode option above as I could potentially use that directly on my camera if I was in less controlled locations and needed to capture audio.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Thanks in advance.

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