Videography and Video Editing - Any pros with tips?

I have got an older macbook pro that I use for basic things, but think it may struggle with video editing as its only a 2.26Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8gb 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram and a 120gb SSD.

My main PC has the Nvidea Geforce capture software which seems to work pretty well, so I could record some footage and give it a try.

How long did it take you to get your head around the software and start getting acceptable videos?
Tried to install the final cut pro demo on my mac, but I think it's to old as it says it wont install on the machine.

Any idea what the lights are called with the big white sheets in front of them to create even light? Might see if I can find a DIY to make one, and finish some pictures off of my prodigy build.
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