VideoMate DVB-T300 ghosting??!

9 May 2005
Having a problem with my VideoMate DVB-T300.

I am getting ghosting from whatever input I use.

Originally I thought it was my sky box but I recently tried my PS2 and I'm getting the same ghosting. It's like vertical lines that are faint and only visible when ghosting occurs (which is every time something is moving).

I've noticed this from both composite and s-video inputs. Never tested the analog in.

I think the problem might be with the software though. I tried dscaler instead of compro dtv and the picture seems (but not perfect). I find the app quite complicated and can't seem to get things right with it. That said I've only been using it a day.

So does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'll try and get a picture up of the problems I'm seeing.

Has anyone got any thoughts on this at all?

Thanks Matty. I'll post back with what I get. It kind of makes sense cause using other software did seem to improve things.

As far as I know I have no noise reduction slider and I've had my card since x-mas day so presumably my drivers are dated.

Will let you know how it goes.
ok well updated. Things have imprioved although iget more audio popping. Seems to be realted to my htt bus.

That aside I can now control the deinterlace level which has helped, but the noise reduction options are greyed out.

Any help with this?
Sorry my other message was barely English, I was quite tired when I posted. Still am.

Well it's definitley not available and I am in analogue mode. Can't think what's up here tbh. I have full control over deinterlacing now and all the drivers are the latest.

Are there any third party software options that are worth concidering?
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Well dscaler seem to a bit of a pain since it won't remember my settings.

You're right about the ps2 - it does look pretty fugly stretched to that res.
I was concidering using a VGA box to convert the composite AV over to VGA but I don't know how the 800 x 600 res will look on my widescreen lcd :(

Don't want to throw money at something when the solution might just be a new telly.
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