view distance setting

10 Feb 2011
Hi. In view distance or field of view option is max normally better or does or matter what size and resolution you TV/monitor is?. I see some games have 110% view distance and some just 100% view distance and just wondering what the best view distance is. I have seen people say on a 16:9 Aspect ratio that around 83% is the norm is this true?.
View distance and 'Field of View' are completely seperate settings.

View distance is always best to have 100% if your PC can do it.

Field of view is what it sounds like i.e. how much you character can see left to right. Going to far creates a fish eye lens effect that I don't particularly like.

If it's easy to do, I'll usually change FOV to 90 (horizontal FOV that is)

Other games like Alien Isolation use a vertical FOV, and if you go too far you end up not being able to see the limbs of your character so I think I only went to 55 as that's the limit before your body disappears.
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