Viewing a VFR tomorrow...

12 Sep 2012
Anyone had one or ridden one? It's a '97 VFR750.

Only ever ridden inline bikes before, currently on a hornet 600.

While i like the hornet, i don't like having nothing until ~7k, got to be in the mood to work it for the power. Main reason for looking at another bike was for a bit more low down grunt, but still enough power all in.

Would a VFR be a wise choice? Any common faults to look out for?
I will be a bit less revvy, but still, you might want to try a twin if you're looking for instant low down power.

A Firestorm was my other consideration, I like working the hornet, but only if the mood is right, sometimes i just wish it had more lower end.

What about a cbr600?

I imagine i'd be in the same position with having no lower end grunt. Its pretty much the same engine as my hornet just tuned a little more.

Anyway, went down and had a test ride today, the deposit is paid and its coming home thursday. a couple of scuffs here and there on the fairing but only if you look for them. pipes were fine with no rust or marks. the chain did look rather close to the center stand though, may end up taking it off as i've got some paddock stands anyway, but ill sort that later.

not as comfy suspension as my hornet and it is a bit taller, but ill get used to that. not having the wind pounding me was a relief!
I'm a man, I can put up with it :p

:D VFR is my first faired bike so far. Wouldn't like a naked much faster than the hornet though, it does get tiresome.

It says the VFR is a 170/60 ZR17 Rear tyre, would there be any problem fitting a 180/55 ZR17? I have a new one spare i could put on.
Why did you got for the 750 over the 800 if you don't mind me asking?

Cost mainly, the cheapest 800's i saw at the time were near double what i paid for the 750. the only one i saw at a similar price had 80k+ miles on it. add in that they were getting silly distances away (im on the north border of notts, they were down in surrey and on the south coast etc.)

Also prefer the looks of the 750 over the 800 personally!
how many miles on the bike you bought? if u don't mind me asking


I forgot to mention... The rectifier can and does go on these. To prevent it from going you can fit a small computer fan to keep it cool. I don't know any more than that but I'm sure there will be info out there somewhere.

Electrosport. Make decent aftermarket reg recs for hondas I used one on my cbr

Ill keep an eye on it, thanks. :)
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